Starless Starr Web design project | Joygibek Joygibek


Starless Starr Web design project

Posted by on 11.4.16

Starless Starr Web design project

Starless Starr Website
Starless Starr Project

This Web design project was inspired by the book, Starless Starr written last 1998 by a Filipina author, who is also based here in America, Miss Lita T. Cruz. We had an opportunity to represent the Book’s story by doing a couple of illustration works for Starless Starr’s album version using the flat design technique that I enjoy doing that time.


As of June 2017, Joygibek no longer manages Starless Starr website as the owner/author, Ms. Lita T. Cruz wants to focus more on putting her energy, time and money in writing.

The Structure

Yours truly once again made a theme that suited the author’s taste.  There were much deliberation whether to use subtle colors or go wild in terms of color.  Over all the author was happy of the outcome.  And all of the hard work paid off.  The site was built using WordPress.  Frameworks were Google’s materialize and Bootstrap.

Her Story

She goes on telling me that writing and composing only came to her only later in her life, although she is much fond of doing them since childhood.  Creating fictional world when she was young was her past time.

Like most of us, Miss Lita T. Cruz choose a career and focused on her own family; eventually overriding her dream.  It is only later in her life shortly after retiring that she rekindled her first love, which was writing.  For her, if I remember her exact words were:

If ever I die.  This is the only legacy I can be remembered  by my family.  And I offer my success to them and to the most high.

There is no limit in ones potential when you really seek it!


By the second time since I have started loving the pleasures of web designing.  I have learned that utilizing “CDN” is epic. Like Chuck Norris chopping wood while nail cutting! I don’t know why I like him plus his memes rock, anyways.

Finding ways to learn; beginning to understand how debugging/troubleshooting codes work is starting to become fun.  It is weird but, feels good at the same time.  Knowing what cache in htaccess, robots.txt, SEO, plugins and so much more is like…yah, Chuck Norris! So much to do, so little time. HIYAAAH!

Happy Reading!

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